
Showing posts from October, 2024

Unit 1A- Health (Lesson 2)

  ➢ Choose the image that, in your opinion, is the best representation of  health. Describe the picture to your partners and explain why you  have chosen it. Medicine has changed throughout history, but nowadays prevention has become very important and informational campaigns are the main tool. There are four general determinants that influence health: Human biology, environment, lifestyle and health care. Thus, health is  maintained by the practice of medicine, but also by one's own efforts. Adequate exercise, healthy diet, decreasing stress, quitting smoking and  substance abuse, among other measures, are steps to improve health. Lifestyle, on the other hand, is a set of behaviors or attitudes that people develop, that is, they can be healthy or detrimental to health. ➢ Discuss in small groups: ● What do you do to keep yourself healthy? ● Where do you go when you feel sick? ¿Why? ● What is important to prevent disease?            ...


                                            PRELIMINARY QUESTIONNAIRE To do this questionnaire you should try to do it without the help of a dictionary and individually, both for the first two questions and for the first computer research that we ask you. Afterwards, it would be interesting to share with your group and finally look up the concepts in a dictionary or encyclopaedia and compare the results. 1. Try to define the following concepts: health, illness, fitness. • Based on what you have written, what would you say your current state of health is like? (Brand the option that you consider and explain briefly your answer). Bad - Regular - Good - Very good 2. Make a list of the medical specialties you know and say what each one is for. 3. Try to find out, with the help of the Internet, the meaning of the words aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid, the relationship between them a...