PRELIMINARY QUESTIONNAIRE

To do this questionnaire you should try to do it without the help of a

dictionary and individually, both for the first two questions and for the first

computer research that we ask you. Afterwards, it would be interesting to

share with your group and finally look up the concepts in a dictionary or

encyclopaedia and compare the results.

1. Try to define the following concepts: health, illness, fitness.

• Based on what you have written, what would you say your current state of

health is like? (Brand the option that you consider and explain briefly your


Bad - Regular - Good - Very good

2. Make a list of the medical specialties you know and say what each one is


3. Try to find out, with the help of the Internet, the meaning of the words

aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid, the relationship between them and the prices

of different brands.

➢ Read the first conversation, then listen to the second one.


This is a conversation between a doctor and a patient:

Doctor:Good morning!

Patient: Good morning!

Doctor. What happens?

Patient: Look, I woke up this morning congested, I have a headache, I'm

tired, my throat hurts, I have chills, I have taken my temperature and I

have a fever of 37o, nausea and dizziness.

The doctor examines him, takes his vital signs, listens to him, sees his

throat and tells him that he is a young healthy person.

Doctor: The prescription consists of some painkillers and staying in bed

for several days, since the cold lasts “a week with medication and seven

days if you don't take medication". He tells him that if he doesn't get

better in a few days or other symptoms appear, he should return to the



➢ Now, share your opinion answering the questions:

1.- How do patients feel in both conversations?

2.- Do you think that they are healthy people?

3.- What do you think about the prescriptions?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of he highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition (World Health Organization (WHO)).

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